Patient Research

We don’t just tell patient stories. We translate moments of truth into actionable insight to optimise strategic thinking and help deliver patient-centric brand success.

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HRW Patient Research

We believe the patient’s voice is key to strategic business understanding as that of the prescriber and that the physician may not always be the right person to offer the patient perspective.

With the rise in patient-centricity in communications, prescribing influence and medication adherence, patient insights can have a significant impact brand strategy.

When it’s done well, patient research doesn’t have to be challenging, time-consuming or superficial. 

Two HRW researchers discussing patient journey market research.

By combining a bespoke recruitment approach, with evidence-based qualitative and quantitative methodologies grounded in Behavioural Science, we can help access the heart of the patient experience.

This enables our clients to challenge the status quo and improve business strategic understanding, and:

• Influence prescribing patterns and healthcare decision-making
• Increase medication compliance and adherence
• Optimise patient trust and adherence
• Improve all touchpoints of a patients’ healthcare experience

The true value of patient-centricity can be difficult to quantify without a scientific methodology. It’s why we: 

HRW researcher doing patient market research.

Use approaches that allow our clients to walk in their patients’ shoes and clearly hear the voice of the patient. 


Enhance understanding of different segments of patient personas, the behaviours that underpin them and how to communicate better with them.


Have proven techniques for recruiting a robust sample of the right patients in the right time frame .


Present our data to support confident business decisions based on concrete recommendations underpinned by behavioural science.


How are we different? We are:

Our HRW Spotlight team combine our patient research with behavioural science. This means we go far beyond recording patients’ behaviour to give concrete recommendations as to how, for example, to overcome patient barriers with medication adherence and communications engagement.
Successful recruiters
We have the ability and experience to recruit hard-to-reach patient audiences through working with expert field partners and using both digital and non-digital recruitment approaches used for recruiting to clinical trials. 
Our ethos is based around innovative patient methodologies such as our Soulmate™’ duo interviewing approach, our commitment to patient care and our behavioural science overlay.
Data interpreters
As patient experts, we focus beyond ‘telling patient stories’ to interrogating data through a behavioural science lens to optimise your strategic thinking. This means our clients can measure the gaps between the intended experience for patients versus the actual experience and identify patient pain points limiting brand success.
Thought leaders
We’ve won 12+ international awards, including the EphMRA Excellence in MR Award, Best Use of Innovation (BOBI awards) and Intellus Worldwide Impact Award, and delivered scores of industry abstracts and papers.

Patient Research Team


Kirsty Page

Research Director - Wallingford
Kirsty heads up our HRW Spotlight team, which focus on how HRW can most effectively communicate patient research insights. Kirsty has significant experience as well as a passion for patient ...
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Kirsty Page

Research Director - Wallingford

Liz George

Senior Vice President - Manhattan
“As a seasoned moderator, Liz considers patient research one of the great privileges of her career, to have been trusted with the most intimate details of life-altering (and sometimes life-ending) ...
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Liz George

Senior Vice President - Manhattan

Rhiannon Connolly

Director of Behavioural Science - London
Having studied and worked in the behavioural sciences since 2004, Rhiannon’s wide-ranging experience includes an MSc in Social Cognition from UCL, a discipline forming the foundations of behavioural economics. This ...
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Rhiannon Connolly

Director of Behavioural Science - London

Nicola Vyas

Senior Director - Wallingford
Nicola is a quantitative expert who specialises in advanced analytics at HRW; she loves to get beneath the surface of data to deliver real insight to our clients and is ...
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Nicola Vyas

Senior Director - Wallingford

Jen Vos

Senior Research Executive - Manhattan
n joined HRW’s Manhattan office in the summer of 2019. She previously received a master’s degree in International Relations and Economics, and worked in International Education, where she managed ...
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Jen Vos

Senior Research Executive - Manhattan

Oliver Day

Behavioural Scientist - London
Oliver joined HRW after a decade working in customer insights and behavioural science, and an MSc in Health Behaviour Change from UCL. Having worked on customer-centric research with clients across ...
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Oliver Day

Behavioural Scientist - London

Caitlin Robertson

Fieldwork Director - Wallingford
As the head of our Field team, Caitlin is a crucial member of Patient Panorama. Caitlin plays a key role in relation to successful recruitment of patients, which is often ...
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Caitlin Robertson

Fieldwork Director - Wallingford

Nina Zeiske

Senior Research Manager - London
Nina has a strong interest for patient research. She considers the patient voice an important and integral part of healthcare research, emphasising the need to look at the holistic picture ...
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Nina Zeiske

Senior Research Manager - London

Alex Bonello

Senior Vice President - Manhattan
Alex is a strong believer in the value of the patient perspective in the work that we do and takes seriously the responsibility of representing patients’ stories and experiences with ...
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Alex Bonello

Senior Vice President - Manhattan

Joe Insuli

Senior Research Manager - London
Joe has a strong passion for ensuring that the patient voice is heard within healthcare market research. From helping to design research that is truly patient-centric, allowing patients to feel ...
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Joe Insuli

Senior Research Manager - London

Melissa Reinbold

Vice President - Manhattan
Melissa’s passion for patient research stems from her experience conducting research in the rare disease space – and having the amazing opportunity to connect and reconnect with patients over the ...
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Melissa Reinbold

Vice President - Manhattan

Blaine Siegel

Field Project Manager - Manhattan
As a member of our field team, Blaine has several years’ experience recruiting patients including late-stage patients and rare diseases. Blaine has worked with recruiters and vendors to execute patient ...
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Blaine Siegel

Field Project Manager - Manhattan

Alyse Appassamy-Brown

Research Executive - London
Alyse has a special interest in patient research and is passionate about providing patients with a platform to share their story openly in a comfortable environment. Through listening to these ...
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Alyse Appassamy-Brown

Research Executive - London

Darren Vircavs

Field Manager - Wallingford
Darren has been working on patient research at HRW for nearly a decade. Over that time, he has gained great experience across the full breadth of patient research HRW conducts. ...
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Darren Vircavs

Field Manager - Wallingford

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