
Quantitative Research

Get actionable answers to your business questions that require precise measurement. To give you a truly holistic understanding of your customers, we apply bespoke quantitative methodologies that fuse data science with behavioural science. The result? Robust and nuanced results that go beyond the numbers.

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Quantitative Excellence

Across the brand life cycle, business questions evolve - and we’ll work with you to find the right methodology for the job.

When it comes to gaining robust, meaningful data sets and delivering impactful quantiative insights, we offer a cross-disciplinary approach to illuminate your challenges and guide next steps.

Whether it’s tracking, segmentation, demand forecasting, concept testing, product profile evaluation, or communications research, we work with you to deliver the right approach to give the clear answers needed.


By integrating data Science and behavioural science into our quantitative methodologies, we can amplify the accuracy and depth of your insight into the underlying drivers of unconscious behaviour.

This means we can strip away the ‘blind spots’ and capture the broader view you need for your rigorous and confident decision-making.

We help you understand the ‘variables affecting the variables’ in scenarios like these, where you need to:

• Predict accurate uptake of a potential new product
• Track your brand’s performance versus your competitors’
• Subdivide your customer base to optimise your targeting strategy
• Test and refine your communications to create maximum impact

HRW researcher writing on a white board.

Market Understanding

  • Demand/opportunity assessment
  • Market sizing
  • Brand growth levers and drivers
  • Chart audit/patient records
  • Patient flow/journey mapping
  • Drivers and barriers
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Product/Brand Development

  • Value proposition assessment
  • Product profile assessment/opportunity 
  • Segmentation (strategic and tactical)
  • New product optimisation 
  • Device evaluation/usability test
  • Packaging/design evaluation
  • Buying process/path to purchase
  • Pricing
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Communications Optimisation

  • Claims study/testing
  • Logo testing/name branding
  • Ad concept testing/optimisation
  • Digital ad/campaign testing
  • Concept and design development
  • UX/platform testing
  • Brand/portfolio positioning
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Marketing Effectiveness

  • ATU (Awareness, trial, and usage study)
  • Customer experience/satisfaction/loyalty
  • Sales force effectiveness
  • Message recall/DFU
  • Brand equity tracking
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How are we different? We are:

Big picture thinkers
Unlike most market research agencies in the healthcare space who rely solely on traditional quant methodologies, we combine data science and the latest academic thinking in behavioural science to provide you with research that delivers deeper levels of actionable insight. We are also qual/quant agnostic, meaning we strive to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative research in our projects.
Truth seekers
We conduct self-funded studies to test and create new methodologies and approaches founded in science. This involves working in partnership with behavioural scientists to ensure we capture more meaningful and realistic insight through the approaches we develop, as well as engaging with our data science team to ensure these approaches are statistically robust.
Bias minimisers
By integrating behavioural science into our research design, we go a step further and identify biases influencing behaviour. This allows us to better interpret results and provide proven tactics and strategies to affect positive behaviour change.
Thought leaders
We’ve won 12+ international awards, including the EphMRA Excellence in MR Award, Best Use of Innovation (BOBI awards) and Intellus Worldwide Impact Award, and delivered scores of industry abstracts and papers.


  • Behavioural Science Segmentation


    Our client had challenges with their established product and they wanted to refresh their segmentation to better understand their target customers. We conducted an upfront Fathom (Behavioural Science) Review of previous research to identify the key behavioural biases at play, in order to input these into the quantitative phase of the segmentation.


    The Shift, Data Science and research team worked collaboratively to develop a questionnaire with distinct questions to address each behavioural bias in a robust quantitative profiling stage, with follow-up qualitative interviews to add colour to the personas. HRW Shift played a key role in developing the segment personas.

    • Connecting the behavioural biases from the Fathom to the segments made it easier for the client to connect with and understand the segments
    • Less is more in segmentation – Inputting questions deigned to identify behavoural biases provided a much more focused and actionable solution
    • Segment analysis is done in the light of behavioural biases so it was easier to profile HCPs, and for our Shift team to provide tangible, targeted recommendations
  • Product Optimization


    Following a global segmentation, our client wanted direction on how to optimise their device to create the most desirable and commercially viable product. They wanted a key focus on how to create a differentiated offering compared to current and future competitors, going beyond the optimal attribute combination to assess potential product opportunity


    Due to the number of attributes requiring assessment, we used an adaptive choice-based-conjoint exercise to assess product trade-offs. We then used our ‘Predict’ methodology to assess demand for fixed product profiles. Combining both approaches allowed us to assess product demand across all possible product variations

    • HRW created a bespoke brand simulator which allowed the client to assess product demand across all product eventualities
    • Data could be filtered by different patient types to assess demand by key patient segments
    • Results enabled the team to advance the most promising device options, and assess which patient segments and markets were likely to provide greatest opportunity
  • Assessing Brand Potential in Two New Indications


    Our clients’ product was being developed in a lead indication, but they were also pursuing two secondary indications in a similar area. Research was required to provide a robust assessment of brand potential in both indications, with consideration for a complex future market.


    Online survey incorporating our ESET™, Juster Scale, and BWS techniques to assess potential across down-side, base case and upside scenarios. Elegant compartmentalisation of the questionnaire ensured we didn’t overwhelm respondents with too many scenarios.

    • Capturing likely (and realistic) usage at launch and at peak – including in which scenarios the product had the most potential
    • Uncovering the key drivers of success for the product across indications
    • Ultimately providing our client with robust and realistic data to feed into forecasts they could be confident in.  This enabled them to make key decisions about where to prioritise investment for the brand
  • Disruptive Campaign


    Our client was preparing to launch a new product in a very crowded and well-satisfied market. They wanted to identify the most impactful creative concept, messages and story that would evoke emotional responses, challenge physician perceptions of the disease, and open their minds to new way of treating it.

    • Visual Prediction Algorithm for initial concept assessment producing heatmaps that allowed us to understand the areas that were gaining the most visual attention. 
    • Pilot qualitative interviews to fully probe on and assess reactions to the creative materials 
    • An online survey with inclusion of a glimpse test, fast association test, conjoint and grouper analysis, best worst scaling and sticky KPIs to identify the combination of messages and concept elements that were the most motivating
    • Longitudinal resonance interviews to understand what messages and imagery stuck, as well as which drove action or made them think differently
    • We created a decision tree to clearly demonstrate how concepts were performing, segmented by those who were bought into the campaign’s key message or not
    • Applied linguistic and behavioural analysis provided actionable recommendations for how to finalise the optimal communications and tackle any identified behavioral biases at play 
    • Our client was able to get consensus from their internal stakeholders in a matter of hours, and convince brand team members that the winning concept made the most sense
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What do others have to say?

Thanks so much for a brilliant presentation of the results. [The Demand study] was very well received, and I’d like to thank you personally. The study has been a big success and it’s a credit to the team that worked on it.

Global Insights Director     


Let me write a big congrats for the outputs of this [segmentation] project and the way they were delivered. An analysis and interpretation of customers, with the added value of psychology. This is definitely a best practice example for me.

Insights Manager, Oncology


The team were fluent with the data, allowing them to confidently present findings and answer questions.

Market Insight Director


It is extremely easy to work in a collaborative way with HRW. They answer the business questions in the best possible manner, and in this case using the pulse survey allowed me to get answers in an extremely quick, yet robust fashion.

Senior Oncology Business Insights Lead, Oncology


You know what you are doing. You are good at it, and you always look for ways to help me get the most out of my research. You always go above and beyond. 

Senior Market Research Manager, Infectious diseases


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