In our continued “Meet the Team” series, we introduce Kieran O’Sullivan, Senior Healthcare Statistician and valued member of HRW Data Science. The Data Science Team at HRW consists of over 35 multidisciplinary data scientists, developers and analysts, supporting our clients across the product lifecycle with powerful, innovative, and bespoke solutions across a range of quantitative projects and self-funded innovation initiatives. Tell us a bit about yourself… I joined HRW’s sister company MMR Research six years ago after completing a Masters in Statistics. As part of HRW’s Data Science Team, I’ve had the chance to work on a wide variety of projects across the product lifecycle, as well as getting involved in innovation initiatives. What makes you tick when it comes to stats in the healthcare space? I really enjoy problem solving and working in the healthcare space really helps to tick this box – it gives me a lot of interesting problems to solve. I enjoy working as an integrated part of the wider research team from set up, through the analysis stage and all the way to project delivery to find an effective, elegant and practical solution to the client’s objectives. I particularly enjoy getting a chance to use different Statistical techniques such as Segmentation, CART and Conjoint. What do you love most about being part of HRW Data Science? That there is always a new challenge involved with every project or piece of innovation work and getting a chance to take on these challenges with the rest of the Data Science team and the wider business. The team has a wide range of skills and everyone is always happy to help by pitching ideas or contributing with their expertise. Any upcoming developments we should be aware of over the coming months? The Sticky Ideas framework has been central to our approach to testing the true impact of concepts. Together with HRW Shift, we’re currently investigating how we can take this a step further, by developing a reliable set of questions that accurately assess each principle within the Sticky “SUCCESS” framework. The goal is that this will provide us with a set of key metrics that are the best possible measure of ‘stickiness’. We’ve already seen some interesting results from the internal study that we conducted towards the end of last year and are looking forward to validating this further with HCPs over the next few months! What do you get up to in your spare time? I’m a keen runner and try to jog round the locals parks a few times a week. I enjoy watching sport and try to go and watch Aston Villa, my local team, as must as possible. During lockdown I started playing Chess again and now I spend a lot of time trying to improve my game. By Kieran O’Sullivan Apply Now!