Behavioural research has proven that patients can experience a greater treatment journey when a solid support system is in place such as friends, family, and community members, as this plays a key role in upkeeping positive morale and reducing treatment induced feelings of anxiety and stress. Join Alexandra Petrache, Behavioural Scientist Analyst and Emma Neville, former HRW Shift team member as they discuss the advancement of patient empowerment and the role it plays in supporting successful treatments, in our latest podcast titled, ‘Beyond Traditional Patient Empowerment’. Access the full podcast To listen to the full podcast, simply hit play on the link below! Alternatively, you can listen on iTunes, TuneIn or Stitcher. Get in touch If you particularly enjoyed this months episode, or have a question you’d like to be answered, please feel free to contact the Shift team on or head over to the HRW Shift Twitter. Apply Now!