Our Shift team (HRW’s in-house experts in multidisciplinary behavioural science) continuously strive to explore ever evolving areas in the complex field of psychology, and the triggers and factors that underpin people’s behaviour in all aspects of life, but particularly in the healthcare market research area. Join them on episode 16 where we ask the question, what is resilience? In an inspirational and moving podcast two members of the shift team, Rhiannon Phillips and Caitlin Reddiex share their personal stories of overcoming hardship and outline strategies for building resilience and how these helped them persevere through difficult times. Access the full podcast If you’d like to hear the advice put forward by the team, we’ve included the full podcast for you below. Simply hit play to get listening! Alternatively, you can listen on iTunes, TuneIn or Stitcher. Get in touch If you particularly enjoyed this months episode, or have a question you’d like to be answered, please feel free to contact the Shift team on shift@hrwhealthcare.com or head over to the HRW Shift Twitter. Apply Now!