
Harvard data shows that over the years, implicit bias against race, sexuality, age, and disability have all decreased. However, implicit bias against those who are overweight is the only group bias that has become more severe over time.

It is plausible that exposure to more positive thin people and negative overweight people in society could be responsible for the strengthening of implicit anti-fat bias. Social media platforms are a key leader when it comes to the ‘thin-ideal’, with the prevalence of photo manipulation, and the pressure to confirm to beauty standards and present this as an online highlight.

In HRW Shifts latest podcast, Alexandra Petrache, Senior Behavioural Science Analyst, Millie Morgan, Research Executive and cofounder of HRW Eavesdrop, our innovative social media listening offering, are joined by @Emma, who is currently training to be a psychotherapist, with a background in Behavioural Science (specifically discourse analysis), as they share part 2 of our 3-part podcast series surrounding social media and mental health, discussing social media’s impact on the perfect body image, and how we can keep our biases in check.

If you particularly enjoyed this months episode, or have a question you’d like to be answered, please feel free to contact the Shift team on shift@hrwhealthcare.com or head over to HRW Shift Twitter


Recommended reading:
-“What we don’t talk about when we talk about fat” by Aubrey Gordon


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