During the launch of the COVID-19 vaccine, a significant amount of content circulated expressing skepticism about the reliability and trustworthiness of the available vaccines. As individuals, our tendency to be influenced by the actions and emotions of others becomes particularly pronounced when faced with uncertainties, which also extends to our perceptions of vaccines. In HRW Shift‘s latest podcast, Alexandra Petrache, Senior Behavioural Science Analyst and Dana Al-Juburi, Research Manager, explore the impact of language in vaccine distribution and discuss strategies including leveraging social identity, incorporating personal anecdotes and stories to evoke emotions, and the benefits of transparency about limitations and uncertainties of the vaccines. If you’re particularly interested in hearing more regarding how the discussion surrounding vaccines evolved on social media during the COVD-19 pandemic, feel free to check out our whitepaper which was published earlier this year. If you particularly enjoyed this months episode, or have a question you’d like to be answered, please feel free to contact the Shift team on shift@hrwhealthcare.com or head over to HRW Shift Twitter Apply Now!