HCPs can sometimes lack confidence in their ability to diagnose, and prescribe antibiotics as a ‘safe’ option, however this can lead to patients becoming antibiotic resistant which can put them at risk of further infections. In our latest HRW Shift podcast, ‘Antibiotic Resistance Communications’, Jeremy Koloski, Behavioural Scientist, Kate Thornton and Samyukta Kumar, Behavioural Science Analysts, discuss behavioural biases that come into play when HCP’s are determining treatment plans such as action, present and availability bias, along with the team’s own experience receiving antibiotics in different countries. Happy listening, from HRW Shift! If you particularly enjoyed this months episode, or have a question you’d like to be answered, please feel free to contact the Shift team on shift@hrwhealthcare.com or head over to HRW Shift Twitter Apply Now!