
Information is everywhere. We’re being bombarded with information at every turn, 24 hours a day. Thus, information overload is an ever-present and business-critical threat, with no escaping from it. What we can do, however, is becoming more aware of the factors that contribute to overload and apply tools that allow us to communicate better ourselves.

Katy Irving, Head of Shift, our team of applied behaviour experts, has a background in communication and presents a fast-paced tour of four critical psychological factors that can get in the way of understanding, and three tactics to be better understood.

Having recently been awarded the EphMRA JH award for ‘Best Paper at Conference’ for this very topic, Katy offers another opportunity to hear more about this important subject and provides practical hints and tips to become a more effective communicator.

If you’d like to access this on-demand webinar, please fill in the form below and a member of our team will provide you with the recording.

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