February 29th is a rare day, and this year it is also marked by an important occasion; Rare Disease Day. This day is observed worldwide to make the voice of rare diseases heard and help raise awareness and funds for rare diseases and conditions. So, the HRW team came together in force. Across offices we brought in ‘rare treats’, we raised our electronic voices in unison at 12 GMT to do a cross-location ‘Thunderclap’, we joined hands and raised our voices, we learned about rare conditions through a rare disease quiz, and we have been fundraising for the Scleroderma Society and The Ultra Rare Disease, Disorders and Disabilities Foundation via our fundraising page. This is a cause that is close to our hearts and we’re proud to support patient associations, parents, patients, carers, educators, companies and healthcare professionals on the ‘front line’ of the fight against rare disease. For more information about Rare Disease Day, visit www.rarediseaseday.org/, for more information on our work in rare conditions, contact us. Apply Now!