It has already been over a year since we launched INTER:COM, our specialized approach to communications testing. In that time, we’ve developed even more innovative, targeted tools to get us ever closer to understanding the real-world potential of your communications. As Lisa discussed in her previous blog, one of the key principles underpinning the INTER:COM approach is that of ‘Sticky Ideas’. With this in mind, we are able to design research that reflects how your target audience will engage with your communications in reality, and more importantly, their ability to have impact or ‘stick’ at the point of decision-making. Specifically, INTER:COM takes account of two key issues that affect communication ‘stickiness’, as well as our ability to test this accurately and ensure you are able to make the right choices for your campaign: Attention: our attention is fragmented, and retention varies dramatically – we can only absorb so much at one time The pedestal effect: the research environment presents materials artificially, which can result in respondent overclaim (positive or negative) INTER:COM addresses these issues by drawing on our suite of innovative qualitative and quantitative tools to provide bespoke design across the communications testing spectrum. Depending on your objectives, we are able to pick and choose techniques to ensure you have the right input going into testing; the right approach (for example, techniques for realistic exposure, accessing implicit reactions, or assessing staying power); and considered analytical frameworks, including behavioural and linguistic analysis from HRW Shift (our in-house team of behavioural scientists), to ensure that ultimately, you can make the right choice for your campaign. The beauty of INTER:COM is the weight of evidence it provides to support decision-making internally. For example, on a recent concept testing project, our client was able to convince their internal brand team that the winning concept made sense, even though they were staunchly against a more aggressive campaign. Our client has since been asked to present the case study for the project as a key training tool on how to get agreement on a more controversial concept. We would love to talk to you more specifically about our approach and what this might mean for your campaign. Please do reach out to us to hear more By Robyn Laurie Apply Now!